a listing of SSS related T-shirts.
Listed in loose chronological order.
Click on SSS logos to right for full image/details.
Fifth Generation/Clockwork - Vintage Clockwork Orange inspired design - full color front - UK
Tony/Elvis Hockey Mask - Vintage oversized full color print on front - UK
T.V. Messiah/21st Century Boy- Vintage SSS design- 2 color front - 1986 - UK
Atari - Vintage SSS design- 2 color front - 1986 - UK
Buy It/Have It/Play It/Flaunt It - Vintage SSS design- full color front - 1986 - UK
Flaunt It Promo - Vintage promotional shirt for Flaunt It - front & sleeve prints - USA
Success Promo - Vintage promotional shirt for Success - front left chest & full back prints - USA
Dress For Excess Tour 1989 - Vintage one color design- Dress For Excess Tour - 1989 - UK?
Dancerama - Vintage SSS design- Full color front - Dancerama "Is it Love?" image - 1986 - UK
Thorn In EMI's Side - Vintage promotional shirt for Dress For Excess - one color front - UK?
Classic Star Logo (orange) - Fan-made orange star logo on front of white tee - 1994 - USA
Classic Star Logo (red) - Fan-made red star logo on front of white tee - 1998? - USA
Flaunt It Logo - Fan-made 2 color print. Flaunt It Sputnik lettering/logo on front of blue tee - USA
SSSuperLogo: History (black) - Official SuperLogo tee w/purple logo- 1998 - UK
SSSuperLogo: History (white) - Official SuperLogo tee w/pink logo - 1998 - UK
SSSuperlogo: History: Bigger (black) - Official SuperLogo tee w/ bigger pink logo- 1998 - UK
SSSuperLogo: Chrome (white) - Revised Chrome SuperLogo tee w/white print on front - 2000? - UK
SSSuperLogo: Chrome (pink) - Revised Chrome SuperLogo tee w/pink print on front - 2000? - UK
Think Sputnik (orange) - Think Sputnik Mac inspired design - bright orange print - 2000? - UK
Think Sputnik (red) - Think Sputnik Mac inspired design - red print w/ better shading details - 2000? - UK
Sci Fi Sex Stars (red/white) - Reissued original SSS design - red on white tee - 2001 - UK
Sci Fi Sex Stars (white/black) - Reissued original SSS design - white ink on black tee - 2001 - UK
Better The Devil You Know - Orange text and white SSSuperlogo on black tee - 2001 - UK
Sputnikworld Records Logo - Pink and white logo black tee - 2001 - UK
Sputnikworld Records Logo - Pink and white logo black hooded sweatshirt - 2001 - UK
Atari Baby Cartoon - Full color illustration on white tee - 2001 - UK
PirateSpace - Full color cover art on white tee - 2001 - UK
She-Male - Reissued original SSS design - full color on white tee - 2001 - UK
21st Century TV Crucifix (white) - Reissued original SSS design -full color on white tee - 2001 - UK
21st Century TV Crucifix (black) - Reissued original SSS design -full color on black tee - 2001 - UK
Clockwork Sputnik (white) - Redesigned vintage SSS Clockwork design -full color on white tee - 2001 - UK
Clockwork Sputnik (black) - Redesigned vintage SSS Clockwork design -full color on black tee - 2001 - UK
PirateSpace Tour: Zurich - Fan-made shirt for show in Zurich on 9/20/01 white on black - GERMANY
Eurotour 2001: part 1- Official 2001 Eurotour shirt - "We Invented The Future" & logo on front /dates on back - UK?
Eurotour 2001: part 2- Official 2001 Eurotour shirt - "We Invented The Future" & logo on front/dates on back - UK?
Russian Star Logo - Probably a bootleg made in the USA/NYC area. Sold on Ebay frequently. 2000? - USA
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